Saturday, September 24, 2011

Autumn Inspiration

Autumn is here and the weather is cooler. Autumn is always a beautiful inspiration for me to start crafting again. This Summer was so brutal here, (100+ degrees for weeks on end!) and it really zapped me of all energy, especially the creative energy. I want to post my first Fall project. This was mailed overseas and the parcel finally reached it's destination, so I can post the pictures now. It was mailed to a lovely person, she loves nature, the forest, flowers, woodland animals and she creates beautiful jewelry inspired by it all. The forest inspired me to create this. It really was great fun and rewarding to finish it.


Donna~Q~ said...

I seconf that Horray for Fall! It really is inspiring! And it certainly beats the heat drain of brutal summers. Glad to see you are back to crafting your beautiful and spirit-filled sacred art objects ~ they are such treasures (and I cherish the ones you made for me!!!)

mamabeaks said...

Thank you Donna! It felt good to make something again!

Enchanted Blue Planet said...

So good to have you back again, and creating! The best tonic. And such lovely pieces. I look forward to seeing what more you've got incubating inside.

mamabeaks said...

Thank you Enchanted Blue! I will take pictures of my projects as I finish them.

Unknown said...

ooh-love this whole gift from the pretty box to the wand and necklace-am i right about the person it went to? a robin a sage person? so glad you are getting your supplies out!

mamabeaks said...

Thanks Rowan, yes you are correct! I enjoyed making and putting this together. I hope that I will make a few more of these sets. I am working on one this afternoon.

Bohemian said...

I'm loving your Creations, they have a very Native American Vibe to them that I connect to. I remember my Paternal Grandmother, Aunts & Dad trying to teach me the Apache & Cherokee Beadwork when I was a Young Woman and I was too lazy since it was so labor intensive & a limited Market for it at the time... Alas, in hindsight I sure wish I had paid attention & allowed them to pass the Mantle of their Precious Ancestral Gift on to me to create Beautiful Native Art.

Dawn... The Bohemian

Bohemian said...

Oops, so focused on your Beautiful Art & Post that I completely forgot to thank you for stopping by. Perhaps one day if you make it out to the Arizona Desert you can visit some of these Enchanting Places in person!?

Dawn... The Bohemian

mamabeaks said...

Thank you Dawn, I live in Kansas now and Arizona isn't that far away. Someday I will be able to travel again and make it out there. It is on my list of places to go............ I was fortunate to learn beading and life lessons from a Cherokee elder many years ago. I cherish learning beading, especially the peyote stitch. It is meditative and gives me great happiness when I am beading. I mostly make things at this point in my life and "gift" them. Thanks for your comments, and thanks for your beautiful blog!!!!

bright star said...

Hello again ,what attractive work. I hope you feel more inspiration now that autumn has come.It is well and truly here it Cornwall ,falling leaves and lots of apples etc lol Angela

mamabeaks said...

Hello Angela, thank you for the visit and compliment. Yes, I am inspired again. Fall was here, and today was almost 90F again....... I'm sure the cooler weather will be back again.

falacedar said...

I'm sorry I didn't see these sooner - sad, but I JUST figured out how to use a blog reader (thanks to my job!) so now I'm finally getting all my blogs together so I can read them!

These are absolutely gorgeous, your beadwork is amazing and your friend is so lucky! As am I, I keep the pieces I have of yours on display in my bead cabinet and they're just so delicate and lovely, and my antique doll is currently wearing the key necklace you made! It's one of my favorites, and I get lots of comments on it when I wear it.

I hope you're doing well, and happy autumn to you and your furry friends! xoxo Renee

mamabeaks said...

Thanks Renee! I have figured out your new blog finally but I am having trouble posting to it..... I'll have to try and figure it all out. why does it have to be so hard!? I do read them all though. I love how your craft space has turned out. Mine is a disaster right now. Time to re-organize again! hope you are enjoying the autumn. I love it!

Lorraine Young Pottery said...

The necklace is beautiful especially when the image is clicked. You could meditate on the stones alone!

Lorraine :-}

mamabeaks said...

Thank you so much Lorraine! And thank you for following me.

Lorraine Young Pottery said...

:) Your dog is adorable! Be well and love yourself.
