Sunday, January 16, 2011

Pay it Forward

I am in all day, I decided that I need a day to myself. We are all cozy, Jake and the kitties sleeping the day away, and me with a good cup of tea, in my pj's, finishing up my Pay it Forward items. This is my last gift and I will pack it up and mail it. I am sorry that I didn't take photos of the other things that I made. This is a wand that I already made and I finished this mini rattle to go with it. I really love making the rattles, I love picking out colors and buttons and sewing them up!


bright star said...

Lovely things ,have I said Happy New year ?

mamabeaks said...

Thank you Angela......... Happy new year to you too!

Anonymous said...

Hiya Linda!I've been away from the Cozy House too long. I'm so happy to see the beautiful new things you have created. You have such exceptional skill!

Medieval Muse said...

You've some incredibly lucky recipients. So pretty!!!