Wednesday, May 26, 2010


I think that my crafting will be on the back burner for a week or two....... I just about cut the tip of my left middle finger off with the electric hedge clippers. It is just very awkward at this point. Maybe I can use this time to re-organize things again!


Ivy Long, Edera Jewelry said...

Oh no! Ouch indeed! Hope it heals quickly, Linda :)

Robin said...

So sorry to hear that!! :-( I fully comiserate..I once sliced the side of my left index finger nail/flesh off with a box cutter when cutting mat board. Healing vibes headed your way!

Teri said...

Wow! Not good...hope it feels better by now. You neeeed your body parts so you can continue to make your beautiful wands.

Teri said...

By the way, When I was taking pics for new listings, I gathered up some of my favorite sacred goodies to arrange in a wall vase and I couldn't resist putting one of your wands in the pocket. Everyone loves how the photo turned out and I thank you for such a special gift. I keep the wand right where I can see it every day. It's magic! You have such a creative spirit.

mamabeaks said...

Hi Teri, my finger does feel better now. It is healing nicely. I need to start up some beading again................. and Ohhhhh, thank you so much for putting my wand in your picture of your listing. I went and looked right away and I was just so excited to see it there! I am so happy that you like it. I love making them so much. ((hugs))

MrsLittleJeans said...

Hope your finger is all better now...Have a great week!

mamabeaks said...

thanks Christina and Mrs Little Jeans! (hey, MLJ, i am going to add you onto my blog list if that's OK)

MrsLittleJeans said...

I am honored to be added to your list...xx

bonnie said...

ouch~ hope you are all healed up.