Monday, May 17, 2010


A member of my cozy house passed away this morning. Fluff was my special lovey dovey kitty. She loved to sit on my lap and be petted. She will be missed.


MrsLittleJeans said...

O I am so sorry...she was so beautiful, we will remember her for ever!

mamabeaks said...

Thank you Mrs. Little Jeans for your kind words. I really appreciate it.

Teri said...

Hard to lose a friend...she will visit you in spirit form.

mamabeaks said...

Thanks Teri, I think she already has, I keep seeing her from the corner of my eye.

CatHerder said...

oh im soooo sooo sorry. :-(

mamabeaks said...

thanks cat herder. I know you have had your share of kitty losses as well.

Christina J. said...

So sorry to hear of the loss of your pet. Losing a pet is truly difficult. I hope your memories bring you some peace.

mamabeaks said...

Thank you Christina, I do have good memories and the best thing that I think of is that I took her in as a stray and gave her a good home. In return, she gave us alot of love!