Monday, December 6, 2010

Christmas Tree

I put up my mini Christmas tree yesterday...... I love all of my ornaments, as they all are gifts. There is my chocolate lab "jake" ornie, my good luck pickle, and fish........ and many more.


Christina J. said...

How special to have a tree filled with ornaments that were gifts! I'll bet it brings you many fond memories.

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

I put up the tree and decorated the house for the first time since Mike died and it comforts me now instead of making me feel sad.

I love remembering ornaments too...

mamabeaks said...

Thanks Christina and Teri......... I guess that ornaments can be memory keepers. Yes Teri, I think that I have found comfort in my little tree this year also. I still have kept the decorations to a minimum since Greg passing, but each year it seems to get a bit easier and I want to do more and surround myself with all of these things.