Saturday, June 19, 2010

Last Chants Studio

DiD you ever see something and not buy it and then have major regrets? Well I did. I went to a Ren Faire in Gig Harbor WA, probably 9 to 10 years ago and saw this amazing pottery. It was beautiful and spiritual. It just called to me.......... Well, I didn't have much money, my husband was back in school working on his second career in life, so I passed on this one piece. Well I always thought about it and hoped that I would run into the artist again one day. I didn't even know her name, but I could remember what she looked like. I thought about this piece for an entire year and made it back to the Ren Faire with money. Oh no, she wasn't there............ The next year, the same. I constantly thought about this piece. Well I am an ETSY addict and one day while doing a search for something, this piece of pottery popped up. I thought to myself, "wow, this looks just like the pieces from back in my WA. days." I purchased this piece and contacted the artist and yes, it was the same person. I couldn't believe that I finally found the piece that I NEVER forgot. Teri is "Last Chants Studio" and makes such beautiful and spiritual pieces. She is a wonderful person too, I am so glad that our paths have crossed again. ***** The piece that I purchased through ETSY wasn't the exact same piece that I saw over 9 years ago, but it was Teri's work again, and I love all of her art. I was happy to get this piece and hope to purchase a few more.


Robin said...

Definitely have been in that position.
That is so cool, L.! I love that you finally found it again; that piece was meant to come home with you. Just checked out her shop...I really love the Crescent Moon Woman. Very cool!

mamabeaks said...
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mamabeaks said...

Thanks Robin, I love Teri's work so much and was so happy to find her on Etsy. I hope to get few more pieces.

CatHerder said...

thats so cool!!

Medieval Muse said...

What a fantastic story with a happy shopping ending!
Her work is beautiful and fits so well in your circle of lovely things:)

Unknown said...

wow! what a story and it is so meaningful especially with the name of her shop! so glad you found this piece again-it is so perfect for you. love the new look of your blog too.

Teri said...

Linda!!! Thank you, you have such a great blog and I love the personality that shines in whatever you write! So, thanks for telling this was some very sweet spirit action that reconnected us after all those years, huh. I only did that faire twice after I'd moved away from the coast. I would never have thought 9 or so yrs later someone would FIND me on Etsy and ask if I was ever at the Ren Faire. And thanks all of you too who checked out my shop because of Linda. It's a fine white magic web we weave these days. So be it, Yippee!