Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Rainy and foggy day......... Good for crafting

I have been busy cleaning, decorating and re-organizing. I am finished with my cabinet and have all of my treasures in it or on it! Now that I feel organized again, I am starting on my wands. I have so many beautiful twigs, sticks and driftwood to work with. Today is a perfect day to work inside. It is rainy and foggy and all I need is a good cup of tea and I am ready!


Medieval Muse said...

Lovely sticks and stones! Your display cabinet is both pretty and functional. Can't wait to see more of your wands and beadwork.

Did you see Gaelsong's offerings for Imbolc? Lots of ravens:)

mamabeaks said...

There is finally one in the works for you! I did see the new Gaelsong catalog and there is that one raven on a branch that I love. (I am trying to be good though)

Unknown said...

it all looks so beautiful! i dream of being this organized! i hope you get lots done and i can't wait to see what you do next.