Monday, August 31, 2009

craft area

Well I needed to reorganize my craft area. I found an old chicken nester and decided to use it as a shelving system and put some of my inspirations on it. So now I am surrounded by art made by friends, natures gifts and my beads and paints and other craft supplies. (even some books and really cool tarot cards)

Sunday, August 23, 2009

meditation wand

I wanted to post a picture of this wand that i finished last night. the colors remind me of the fall season. i also am very happy to have found a source for shed antlers.

Monday, August 17, 2009


I had the pleasure and honor to have known Maggie Roe and to have called her my friend. Maggie passed away away a few years ago, but her memory and spirit live on in me everyday. I surround myself with her creations. I never pack her jewelry away, it is in view all the time when i am not wearing it. Lately i also find that it has brought me a great source of comfort. Maybe because it takes me back to a happy place in time, of being out in the beautiful and spiritual spaces of Washington. Or maybe it is because there is part of Maggie's spirit in every thing she made. Maggie's jewelry is made from fossilized walrus ivory, trade beads and various bits and pieces of nature's gifts that she would find during her hikes on the beaches of Wa. These pieces are either carved or scrimshawed (or sometimes both). I have also pictured some of her carved rocks and the eagle is carved from found beached whale bone. Maggie was also a wonderful artist and did paintings and drawings. I will feature her artwork in my next post. Maggie's art helps to make my home a cozy place to be...............................

Friday, August 14, 2009

meditation wand

I just finished this one. it is abalone and quartz crystal with traditional peyote beading.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

busy busy

i have been busy crafting. it is something that brings me joy, i love playing with beads and crystals. i found some vintage keys and weaved a necklace around them, as well as a piece of russian jade. next i am working on some peyote beaded crystal wands.

Monday, August 3, 2009

getting ready for Fall Festival

I am so excited because I am going to have a table at a fall festival in "The Vintage Gardens". I haven't sold my creations in ages. I mostly just give them away, so this will be interesting for me. I have been busy making my goddess and day of the dead stretch bracelets. Here, I have pictured my buddha necklace and one of my crystal fetishes that I just finished. I hope to get a variety of necklaces, bracelets, fetishes and wands to display. It's wonderful to feel creative again.