Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Parrish Relics

Here's some more art that I am surrounded by every day that helps to make my place my sanctuary. These are some beautiful necklaces by Parrish Relics. My favorites right now are the stained glass necklaces. These are all hand made and always bring a magical feeling when worn. and


Robin said...

Do I spy the Lizzie Siddal necklace?! :-D

Jen Parrish said...

wow! great to see where they all live now :)
thank you for giving them such a great home!

Unknown said...

oh fabulous! i think it best that i never visit, i might not be able to help myself! hehe-you may come and visit me anytime though!

Medieval Muse said...

She with the most relics wins! HA:)

Seriously, you've a wonderful collection and I'd be hard-pressed to pick a favorite. Love how you have them displayed.

mamabeaks said...

Robin, you are correct! and Jen, i love your jewels so much that they are all displayed and never stored away. they give me great jot to see ALL the time. And Merle, i might just walk away with a handful of your gorgeous relics too! and now Lisa, you are THE winner as of now......... lol

mamabeaks said...

oops, joy, not jot!

Grace said...

Man...I need to add to my collection.

I too drooled over the Lizzie necklace. And I love your display!!

mamabeaks said...

well grace you some pretty pieces and you get to go to FC and play with all the relics in person. I bet you bring a new one home! and i drool over your new green stained glass arch!

CatHerder said...

OMG you have that many pieces??!!!! Im jealous...and once i get back to work full time and can buy something for myself, a PR piece will be the first thing!